Adaptation to School Life

 Adaptation to School Life Activities

1. We hold a parent-teacher meeting before the start of the kindergarten class to let parents know how children normally progress in adapting to kindergarten and how the parents can help their children adapt.

2. Before the start of the class, a parent-child play day will be held in the school to help children familiarize themselves with the learning environment.

3. Adaptation week: Parents will accompany their children during the class. The class time lasts for one hour and gradually increases to help children adapt gradually.

4. Home Visit: Teachers visit the children at home to learn more about them, and so that the teachers and parents can built a rapport and communicate with each other about the children’s development, achieve home-school cooperation, and work together to help their children adapt to kindergarten life.

5. Parent Observation and Parent Day: Parents visit the classroom twice a year, and attend a parent’s day at the end of each term to let parents understand their children’s school situation and help parents and the schools co-operate to enrich their children’s learning.


Getting ready for Primary School

1. We teach the children to write in their handbook like at Primary School.

2. Parent Observation: Twice a year, parents can visit the classroom to see their children’s learning progress, and through the seminars and parents’ meetings after watching the classes, we share advice with the parents about how to help their children establish good habits at home, improve their personal self-care ability, and prepare to adapt to Primary School life.

3. Primary One Simulation Activity:  

~We simulate the Primary School environment in our kindergarten.

~ The children take turns to serve as the group leader, prefect and other positions, so as to build self-confidence and learn self-discipline.

~ Experience the Primary School timetable, like the break-time and learn to arrange their own break-time and take care of their personal belongings.

4. Primary One Experience Day: The children visit a Primary School and are taught by primary school teachers to experience a real Primary School classroom.

5. Counseling activities before entering Primary One: Counseling activities are carried out by social workers and teachers in the kindergarten to help students understand the school life of Primary One, enhance children’s sense of confidence, and express any worries before Primary School.